Google rolled out a new AI image creator called Gemini, and users quickly found that it all but refused to generate images of white men. Specific historical prompts didn’t work, as the program happily spat out images of black Vikings, Comanche Greek philosophers, Asian centurions, and female Indian popes. Requests for images of the American founding fathers returned black men in powdered wigs, and queries for beautiful Irish women produced black women with vitiligo.
Of course the program wasn’t always so stubborn. Requests for Zulu warriors returned images of proud black warriors, and prompts for samurai produced Japanese men in period-appropriate armor. When asked why there were no white Zulu warriors in the images, Gemini explained how such a depiction was not only inaccurate, it was “potentially harmful as it erases the true historical identify of the Zulu people.” Then it would churn out images of Bengali women when prompted for 17th century British scientists.
Some argued this was a stupid mistake on the part of Google, to make the biases within Gemini so blatant. But this wasn’t a mistake. It was bragging. It doesn’t take much conversation with the bot before it explains its reasoning and its motives, and it takes only a cursory glance at the backgrounds of its creators to see why this ghost was placed in the machine.
If they made a mistake, it’s a mistake that may one day be attributed to the Left more broadly - that they boiled the frog too fast. The white erasure in television and movies and other media has been more gradual, its workings better obfuscated, whereas the silly robot will just tell you that it’s morally wrong to ask for images of happy white families enjoying Thanksgiving. These AI programs are revealing the “holy directives” all at once, and it doesn’t go down easy.
In their haste, they’ve alerted their targets to the danger while those targets still have a chance to escape their intended fate, as when a lion tries to sneak up on a gazelle but steps on a stick with a loud snap. The intent is clear, and these people understand better than most that the psychic destruction of history and imagination are effective preludes to more aggressive measures.
You may think they hate whites, and you’d be right. But the motives of these tech forces in particular are more grand in scope. They wish to destroy the past utterly, to obfuscate and muck it up such that it no longer has any deep meaning for the people they wish to make into rootless widgets that can be moved around at will. Theirs is a true Year Zero ideology, disinterested in humanity as it has always existed. Humanity is inefficient, stubborn, and won’t fit into their utopian visions without heavy reprogramming, if not wholesale reinvention.
The destruction of the European peoples and their diaspora - first psychically and then literally - is a vital step of this project. Europeans so dominated the world over the past half-millennium that their cultural forms provide the foundation of modern global civilization. They must be eliminated before any “Year Zero” can be realized, and thus require especially aggressive means of destruction. Our aspirant overlords likely assume the other peoples of the world — the hordes of the “Global South” — will be more easily bent to form.
And so they will attempt to make these bots into a force of historical erasure, artificial elevation of favored demographics, and general confusion. But technology is like fire - indeed fire was the first technology, per Prometheus - and this tech will not stay in the grip of Silicon Valley. It’ll leak out to people of talent and of different prerogatives. The rise of the bots is going to bring much chaos to the world, but the bright side is that sword will not be swung only by the dweebs at places like Gemini.