In Book 5 of his Politics, Aristotle wrote, “Another mark of a tyrant is that he likes foreigners better than citizens, and lives with them and invites them to his table; for the one are enemies, but the Others into no rivalry with him.” A description of - to borrow some Greek terms Aristotle would be familiar with — xenophilia and oikophobia. Love of the outsider and distaste for the home, respectively.
The West is ruled by such people, with Britain having perhaps the most traitorous and malignant ruling class. As their empire crumbled and their self-confidence withered, they wholly bought into a bargain to detonate their nationhood on the altar of internationalism. As with so many such utopian endeavors, this was done in the beginning by some with earnest hope. Then when the negative results started to roll in, hope gave way to delusion. And when things started to fall apart, delusion gave way to vicious deflection onto their own people - the people too stupid and backward to go along with the project with proper enthusiasm. And so now you see ruthless state suppression of nativist dissent in the British streets, as working men and women resist the flood of new arrivals that have spiked violent crime and dissolved cohesive communities.
Britain had to unleash perhaps the most aggressive propaganda campaign in the Anglosphere to convince some that mass immigration was good for the country, or that Britain had always been racially diverse, or that any resistance to the globalist project taking place within their communities was evidence of their moral failings. They enacted “hate speech” laws that could land people in prison for sharing anti-immigration memes, and pushed forth a constant stream of leftist diversity propaganda on state-run media platforms like the BBC in a top-down attempt to remold Britain’s conception of itself. And every time the British people had a chance to vote against the flood of immigration, they did so — and every time they were ignored. And this all worked in a way, so long as the money came in — when a managerial caste of their society could hurry into London and feast at the globalized trough of cheap goods and fiat currency and low interest rates. Any while that London caste became wealthy, the standard of living throughout the rest of Britain has been declining for decades.
The bills are coming due, and the trends are set for the near term. Britain’s multicultural experiment — undertaken in half a century — will result in the destruction of a thousand-year culture. Their monarchy will be swept away, their social trust will collapse, birth rates will continue to plummet, and their economy will buckle under the weight of their debts with their American benefactors no longer able to prop them up.
These things are certain, Aristotle might say, save for one small ray of hope. The complete destruction of their current ruling class, fueled by the energy seen now in the streets of England.